Thursday, November 18, 2010

Extra Fun Facts(:

Did you know that in kids grave in Egypt people have found dolls and toys,so I think that is really weird and disturbing. they also played a game called menhen.It was a very popular game just like monopoly.They would make wooden tops that they would play with on their free time.they would make rattle they would play other games.They also liked to race chariots, do archery contests, battle with sticks, and run races.This hilarious the hula hoop was not from Hawaii it came from the Egyptians!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

What do they do in daily life activities?

The Egyptians normally do festivals and parties to celebrate the good things they have done in life.They love to dance.( not my type). They also loved to play ball and wrestle on a daily bases. Wow I like to do some of that on a daily bases, but not the dancing.

What are the sports they play?

Well not your usual sports but still sports.The Egyptians did wrestling and stick fighting, but no baseball, basketball, football etc.Aw man that sucks a lot they would have loved play all these other sports.

How are the toys and games of ancient egypt related to modern day toys and games

Ribbet ribbet . Want to play a game of leap frog? well did you know that the ancient Egyptians used to play.They also played tug of war.The Egyptians were the masters of the board game.they were the people who invented a game that would be sooner called checkers.I sure love a good game checkers,but I didn't know that the Egyptians invented it.they loved to tell stories an play with dolls and toy animals like a crocodile. ahhhhhhhh! I hate crocodiles.I wonder what forms of entertainment the Pharaohs had.Well it beats me!

What? The children of the pharoahs had toys?

Yes the children of the  pharaohs had toys are you nuts. The wealthier children got dolls and other toys in great condition because all they had to do was buy it from the market but not wealthier had to make there toys and games. WOW what all of hard work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

daadaadaaadaaaaa! here comes the pharaoh and his what! entertainers

I wish I was a ancient Egyptian pharaoh. why? You'll see. The pharaohs hired professional entertainers.They did festivals and parades just like we do.One of the most famous games during the age of the pharaoh was called senet.That's the game I was talking about that was like checkers!:)